Red 7 Count

Red 7 Count Average ratng: 3,2/5 1187 votes
  1. Red 7 is deemed as a card counting system that is best for card counting beginners or even blackjack beginners. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s an inaccurate system. On the contrary it is very accurate, very basic and very professional, which is why it’s great for beginners. The best way to use it is to combine it with some blackjack strategy in order to gain an even bigger advantage.
  2. . Learn How To Play Red7.Published By Asmadi Games'The rules of Red are simple: Highest card wins! But Red is only one of seven games you'll be playing.
  3. An RBC count is ordered as a part of the complete blood count (CBC), often as part of a routine physical or as part of a pre-surgical workup.A CBC may be ordered when you have signs and symptoms suggesting a disease that might affect red blood cell production. Some common signs and symptoms associated with anemia that generally lead to a healthcare practitioner ordering a CBC are.

Six Deck Unbalanced Red 7 Running Count Conversion to Equivalent Hi-Lo Balanced True Count and Sensitivity of True Count to Errors in Estimating Decks Remaining

Compare Red 7 running count with 16, 16 + dr, or 16 + 2.dr for true counts of 2, 3, or 4; Use calculated true count with High-Low strategy indices. (.Ed. Note: Membrino is suggesting here that you may use this true count method not only to estimate your advantage, but also to alter your strategy with all Hi-Lo strategy indices. The Red Seven card counting system is an unbalanced card counting strategy, similar to the KO Count. You can read more about the Red Seven Count in Blackbelt in Blackjack by Arnold Snyder. The point values are distributed as per the table below:.In the Red Seven Count, ONLY red seven's are counted as +1; black seven's are given a value of 0.

By Conrad Membrino
(From Blackjack Forum Vol. XVII #4, Winter 1997)
© Blackjack Forum 1997

There Are 7 Red Counters In A Bag

rc.u = 23456p + (7p/2) - TAp

Red-7 is almost equivalent to hi-lo count + counting all the sevens as (1/2) each.
rc.u = unbalanced running count = 23456+ (7p/2) - TAp
tc.b = balanced true count
n = number of decks
dp = decks played
dr = decks remaining
rc.u(tc.b) = unbalanced running count corresponding to a balance true count of tc.b
rc.hl = hi=lo running count = 23456p - TAp
rc.u = hi-lo + (7p)/2
if hi-lo has a true count of 't' then rc.hl = t*dr and
rc.u = rc.hl + ExpVal(7p)/2 = t*dr + 2*dp = (t+2-2)*dr + 2*dp = (t-2)*dr + 2*n

rc.u = 2*n + (tc.b - 2) * dr

Number of Decks = 6


Red-7 Running Counts Corresponding to Various True Counts for a Six Deck Game

Six Deck Gamerc.unbal
rc.unbal = 23456 + (7p/2) - TAp decks played
012 - 2*dr246810
112 - dr7891011


312 + dr1716151413
412 + 2*dr2220181614

Blackjack Red 7 Count System

Sensitivity of True Count to Errors in Estimating Decks Remaining

Estimation of True Count Using the Red 7:

rc.r7 = red 7 running countn = number of decks
tc = true countdr = decks remaining
rc.r7 = 2*n + (tc - 2) * dr

Number of Decks = 8


Red-7 Running Counts Corresponding to Various
True Counts for an Eight Deck Game

7 Red Counties In Ohio

Eight Deck Gamerc.r7
rc.r7 = 23456 + (7p/2) - TAp decks played
tcrc.r734 5 6 7
21616 16 16 1616
316 + dr2120191817
416 + 2*dr2624222018

Estimation of true count with the Red 7
in an Eight Deck Game:

  1. Estimate decks remaining
  2. Compare Red 7 running count with 16, 16 + dr, or 16 + 2*dr for true counts of 2, 3, or 4
  3. Use calculated true count with High-Low strategy indices.*

(*Ed. Note: Membrino is suggesting here that you may use this true count method not only to estimate your advantage, but also to alter your strategy with all Hi-Lo strategy indices. This is not the way I have developed the Red 7 in the new Blackbelt, but if you used a Starting Count of 0, then you could use this true count methology with any standard set of Hi-Lo count-per-deck indices. --Arnold Snyder)

Sensitivity of True Count to Errors
in Estimating Decks Remaining:


Red 7 Counting System

  1. The closer to the pivot point, the less sensitive the true count is to errors in estimating the decks remaining.
  2. At the pivot point, the true count is independent of the decks remaining
  3. Pivot Point of the Red 7: True Count = 2
  4. Pivot Point of Hi-Lo: True Count = 0
  5. At True Counts ≥ 2:
    (a) Red 7 is closer to its pivot point (tc=2) than the Hi-Lo is to its pivot point (tc=0)
    (b) Red 7 is less sensitive to errors in estimating decks remaining when calculating true count.
    (c) Red 7 gives more accurate true counts than Hi-Lo.


A = Actual E = Estimated
dr:a = actual drdr:e = estimated dr
tc:a = actual tc tc:e = estimated tc

Eight Decks

Red 7 Count Vs Hi-lo

r7 = red 7hl = hi-lo
tc.r7 = 2 + (rc.r7 - 16)/drtc.hl = rc.hl/dr

Eight Decks
dr:a = 4 and tc:a = 3

Red 7 Hi-Lo


(tc:e - tc:a)rc.hltc:e(tc:e - tc:a)
6202.7 -0.3 122.0 -1.0
52.8 -0.2 2.4 -0.6
43.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 1.0
24.0 1.0 6.0 3.0

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I have heard good and bad things about The red 7 count. I have ordered Arnolds book and another one that mentions and explains The Red seven count.
All i really want to know is, i am not wasting my time using and mastering this count? I am hoping to not necceserly make a living out of counting, but at least making a little bit of money and have some fun. Though if i am really good and do get amazing at counting i may make it into a proffesion, but surely once i get that good i should be able to addapt to more difficult counts and more advanced techniques?